About Me

Welcome to Willow Wood Therapeutic Massage. My name is Cindy. I provide several medical massage modalities to help my clients achieve their wellness goals. Myofascial release, deep tissue, and cranial-sacral are just a few of the modalities that I am specially trained. Further, I have over 170 hours' training in Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) and MLD Post-Op Plastic Surgery.

I enjoy helping my clients find relief from post-surgery complications, chronic pain and chronic illnesses such as fibromyalgia, lupus, old injuries, stress, anxiety, depression, and more. At Willow Wood Therapeutic Massage I work in partnership with my clients to help them find their optimal health and wellness. Whether you need relief from living with chronic pain or just need massage to manage stress, I look forward to working with you.

I received my Massage Therapy training through Black Brook School of Massage in Fayetteville, AR and am licensed (#9132) through the Arkansas Department of Health. I am also a Certified Lymphedema Therapist (CLT) (Norton School of Lymphedema).

I chose the name for my practice after my dog, Willow.  She has been a true source of healing for me. Her unconditional love and sweet spirit inspire me daily. I named her for my favorite tree as a child. The wood of a willow is flexible and strong, used to craft wicker furniture and baskets. This ability to provide structural strength and flexibility is also present within our bodies.  We need only to tend to ourselves with sincerity and love.  Massage is the best place to start!